Stone House Historical Society officers
announced today that Hidden Valley Lake’s own “Sound of Music” will be featured entertainment at the annual Christmas festivities Saturday evening, Dec. 7. Again, the Stone House party is in conjunction with HVLA tree- lighting celebrations. All six of the home-schooled and obviously talented Salvadori youngsters will sing familiar Christmas songs, in the Stone House and later for guests in the HVLA Activities Center. Instrumental solos will be offered by the two eldest children. Valentina will offer selections on the dulcimer, which she has just mastered. Like her sister Natalina, she is more accustomed to playing harp and piano. Stone House will be open for touring from 4 to 6:30 pm., while across the quad in the Activities Room next to the HVLA offices, members will offer tasty treats, refreshments and entertainment. |
Between performances by the Salvadoris, Stone House guests will enjoy the madcap humor and always pleasing harmonies of the Angel Light singers. Founded by Dorice Vandenbrock, then a Hidden Valley Lake resident, about twenty years ago, the Angel Lights are perennial favorites. She was also instrumental in setting up the first Hidden Valley Lake tree-lighting programs. Dorice, pictured at right with members of her group during their appearance at the 2005 Stone House annual Christmas party, may not be able to attend this year due to health problems. She assures us the group will be equally entertaining under the leadership of Shauna Armstrong, who has been with the group for years. Angel Light headquarters moved from HVL to Clear Lake several years ago. They continue to appear frequently at local events, as well as in benefit concerts throughout the county. In the past month they have entertained at all of the county’s senior centers and at Orchard Park and Meadowood Home. |